Monday, December 24, 2012

The NRA, Columbine, and the recent killing of children by a little faggit.

 Weather anybody likes it or not the NRA, makes a great point of demanding armed guards in school. It's a sound decision, and it's impossible to dispute it - if any motherfucker had a gun they would have saved those children's lives, but still the trendy, irrational, whack crying babies, with their stylish groups, still manage to find a popular - I'm-better-than-that argument by saying it's bad to own guns, and everything NRA; plus self defense is bad. As if things really is that simple, and that attitude has the slightest thing to do with the realities for pursuing truth with an open mind.    

Then 20 blogs, and over 9000 people show up argue commenting about the fact Columbine, had an armed guard, so that's how the NRA, is automatically wrong. This is Bull Shit, because Columbine, was a sophisticated attack, and one armed guard with a little handgun, doing what he did: shooting at someone - one of the shooters 60 yards away is just silly.

The kids who shot the school up at Columbine, were a tactical team, and they needed more advance tactics than one guy with his little handgun with its little magazine, because as little know a firefight has a demand for a lot of bullets. The point is it's like no-shit-sherlock an armed guard did nothing in that situation; however, if guns are so dangerous than why wasn't the shooter dead after being shot at by the armed guard 4 times?

A tactical fire team would have kicked those kids' asses at Columbine, not armed guards, and if the NRA had it their way I'm sure right now we ave tactical gun teams at schools, and parents with all own assault rifles.

By the way assault rifle, is a video game term. Nobody who owns guns refers to assault rifle, because it's all about putting the shot where it counts, and that means firing shots where you know they'll hit in the kill zone. This means automatic firing eliminates the ability to witness the shooters, and the phenomena is known as a shooting dirty, or spray praying.

The deadliest gun is history is fact those simple 3 - 5 round mag capacity hunting rifles. Look it up, and you'll also find that the deadliest people on planet earth is snipers. In fact the most kills by a single person is around 500 kills.

Today snipers travel in fire teams of up to 12 members just to keep a flow of return fire against their opposition, and this simmers back down to the point no-shit-sherlock a armed guard didn't help at Columbine, against a tactical team of shooters.

The Second Amendment was composed by a group of scholars, who studied more than 12 hours a day sometimes. It about time America gets its shit together, learns about guns, and buys guns to protect one another, because guns are out there. The bad guy is going to get them no matte what, and sneak them into anywhere they want.